Auch beim Keltern, d.h. beim Auspressen der Weintrauben nach der Ernte, gibt es zahlreiche Stellschrauben, an denen der Winzer drehen kann, um die Qualität seines Weines zu optimieren.
Kategorien: WeinwissenNach der Gärung wird der Wein mal kürzer, mal länger gelagert bevor er abgefüllt wird. Das geschieht zum Beispiel in Edelstahltanks oder in Holzfässern. Mit diesen verschiedenen Ausbaumethoden kann der Winzer den Charakter des Weines beeinflussen.
Kategorien: WeinwissenEs gibt verschiedene Wege der Rotweinbereitung. Welche Methode eignet sich für welchen Weintyp?
Kategorien: WeinwissenSommeliers, wine connois- seurs, and people liv- ing in the growing areas
know that there is an appropriate glass for every type of wine. In WuÌ?rttemberg, this is a very strange receptacle: a glass mug. The only wine glass without
a stem has a convenient handle on its side and is mostly used in the traditional wine taverns. In gen-
eral, the inhabitants of WuÌ?rttemberg drink more wine than the people in all the other regions
in Germany.
More information about the German wine region of Wuerttemberg at:
What the bocksbeutel is to the Franconians, the club-shaped bottle is to the Saxons. This peculiar bottle which resembles a bowling pin was inven- ted in 1931 in the former Weinbau-Versuchs- und
Lehranstalt HofloÌ?ßnitz (viticulture research and teaching institute) near Dresden. With its
museum, wine bar and vineyard HofloÌ?ßnitz is still a centre of Saxon wine culture
worth visiting.
More information about the German wine region of Sachsen at:
The –Romantic Roadâ? and the –Skywalkâ? run along the Saale-Unstrut Wine Route. Castles and palaces such as the Neuenburg and the Rudelsburg, important
buildings like Naumburg Cathedral and mystical sites such as the place where the Sky Disk of Nebra was found tell of the cultural history of the country. Freyburg on the Unstrut is con- sidered the secret wine capital of the area. Every year on the second weekend in September, the largest wine festival of the
region is held here. Exploring this wine-growing region and its wines, vineyards, wine taverns and seasonal vintners wine bars is a lot of fun as there is a well-developed network of cycle paths, walking tracks and waterways. The
largest part of the region is located in the Saale-Unstrut-Triasland conservation
More information about the German wine region of Saale-Unstrut at:
Mainz, the state capital of Rheinland- Pfalz, is also the capital of Rheinhes- sen. Since 2008, it has
been a proud member of an illustrious circle – the Great Wine Capitals Global Network. It is composed of nine towns from the major wine regions of the world.
Besides Mainz these are Bordeaux, Florence, San Francisco, Christchurch, Bilbao, Mendoza, Porto and
Cape Town. The organisation–s aim is to promote tourism and wine culture. The earth is a wine planet – and Germany and Rheinhessen are part of it.
More information about the German wine region of Rheinhessen at:
The town of Hoch- heim am Main is also
located in the Rheingau region. This wine town with its famous wines is the origin
of the term –Hockâ? for Rhine wine which is still used in Eng- land today. The term probably became popular after Queen Victoria visited Hochheim in 1845. Due to the good taste of the Hochheim wines and the benefits to health attributed to them the phrase –a good Hock keeps off the doc!â? had
established itself rather quickly. Even a century ago wines from the Rheingau were among the most ex-
pensive on wine lists throughout the world, and especially in England.
More information about the German wine region of Rheingau at:
The Deutsche Weinstraße goes through many typical wine villages with timber-
framed houses where vines are growing across the road. Once a year, on the last Sunday in August, on an event-filled day the entire German Wine Road is re- served for pedestrians and cyclists: an 80 kilometre long wine festival with more than 300,000 cyclists,
walkers and skaters!
More information about the German wine region of Pfalz at:
The Nahe also has a
wine route – like almost every region. But the Nahe vintners are working to-
gether with the German Gemstone Route, after all, the German gemstone stronghold Idar-Oberstein is not far away. Every year a special wine edition in a special
decorative bottle is put on the market. It is called –Edelschliffâ? (noble cut). Every bottle is furnished
with a precious stone – in 2010, it was an epi- dote, and inside the bottle is a liquid gem:
a selected wine from the Nahe!
More information about the German wine region of Nahe at: